Offroad Classic Mini Portion Snus


Offroad Classic Mini Portion Snus-A mini portion with a big tobacco taste.  Bring comfort to your senses with the warm taste of bergamot and regular strength nicotine kicks in this tobacco-centric snus.

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8 mg/g Nicotine
3.69 € per can


Offroad Classic Mini Portion Snus, manufactured by V2 Tobacco, is a traditional Swedish snus with a robust tobacco character and a mild bergamot citrus flavor with notes of black pepper. An earthy tobacco aroma greets you as soon as you open a can of Offroad Classic Mini portion snus for the first time. The sweet tea-like smell of bergamot can be detected as well, although the tobacco is much more present. Offroad Classic Mini Portions are plump and slim and enclose some really moist classical Swedish snus. Taste the sweet and tangy mild citrus flavor of bergamot and the rich tobacco flavor and feel the comfort in every moist portion as it sits under your upper lip and releases the 8mg/g nicotine kicks almost instantly. If you enjoy the classical flavor of a tobacco-centric Swedish snus but require a moist and slim mini-portion, Offroad Classic Mini Portion Snus is your perfect match!