Snus has become increasingly popular in recent years, just have a look at the different social media channels and you’ll see there are tons of forums, fanpages, information websites etc.

Here is a short history background of snus

It all started in the 1400’s in the Caribbean, spread to France and then to the rest of Europe.

Snus was something used by the upper-class, very trendy at the time. In Europe it spread through Scandinavia and in 1700 the tobacco industry was already established and successful in Sweden. Many famous Swedish snus brands find their origin in the years 1800-1900.

In the 20th century snus started spreading in America, nowadays snus is popular in Asia and Africa as well. A reason for that is probably the urge to stop smoking and snus can be helpful with that. 

Snus In Europe

There are strict rules and restrictions regarding the import and sales of tobacco. Did you know that Sweden is the only country in Europe where selling snus is legal? Or that in Denmark only the sale of Loose snus is allowed? In Iceland and Singapore Snus is not allowed at all. And in Norway, the snus needs to look neutral, with no snus labeling.

Since the sales of snus is so problematic in the E.U., snus manufacturers are looking into other markets like the U.S., Africa and Asia.

Norway is not part of the E.U. so snus is not prohibited there but as written previously, the snus needs to look neutral (no logo, pictures etc).

According to some data, the use of snus in Norway has increased and the use of smoking cigarettes has declined.

This trend is similar in Sweden.

Snus lovers in the E.U. (besides Sweden) or Canada have a hard time purchasing their beloved snus.

Countries continue to impose stricter rules and it is not clear why they keep on doing so since snus is a healthier alternative to classic cigarettes.

Snus in the UK

Snus is very popular in UK, It’s why Snus UK is a very hot subject espcially since the Brexit.

Snus is not legalized in the U.K. but anyways many U.K. citizens are able to purchase them.

It became immensely popular mainly due to the influx of Scandinavian soccer stars, who continued using their beloved snus while playing in the premier league.

Nowadays nicotine pouches are trendy in the U.K., this precisely because of the non-legal status of tobacco snus. Nicotine pouches are tobacco free portions. Unlike tobacco snus, Nicotine pouches are white in color and therefore leave less stains or dirt behind on clothes/teeth.

They are chemical snus, created as an alternative to tobacco snus and are more accessible in the U.K. They still contain nicotine so you will still receive your nicotine shot.

More info about nicotine pouches can be found on our website, check out amazing brands like ZYN, White Fox, Velo and many others!

Snus markets worldwide

The biggest snus market is Europe, thanks to Scandinavia consumers of course.

A fast growing snus market is the Middle East and also Africa. Snus consumption is about to increase in the region in the coming years.

People look for smoking alternatives and find them with snus/nicotine pouches.

Special Offer Snus Nicotine Pouches

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