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goteborgs snus


One of the most famous Snus Brand with a long history and huge experience. It’s why Göteborgs Rapé is so special. Discover the special taste that make is adored all the snusers. More about Göteborgs Rapé below.

Göteborgs Rapé by Swedish Match

Göteborgs Rapé is manufactured by Swedish Match, one of the largest snus manufacturers worldwide.

This famous name is the inspiration behind Swedish Match’s Göteborgs Rapé brand, and the first original product to be expanded into the full Göteborgs Rapé snus product line.

What Distinguishes Göteborgs Rapé from Other Snus?

Göteborgs Rapé has a mild tobacco taste with a mix of floral and herbal elements mixed with juniper berries.

All these components come together in perfect synchronization to create this age-old snus. The slightly sweet and tart taste of juniper is upfront and center and a hint of citrus is also present in the flavor profile.


Born on the Ports of Sweden

Göteborgs Rapé is a traditional Swedish snus that has its beginnings as an artisan snus on the ports of Gothenburg, Sweden.

During their travels, Swedish sailors would collect and bring home different tobaccos that they would personally mix and grind, creating their own blend.

Göteborgs is the original Swedish spelling for Gothenburg and Rapé is French for shredded or ripped.  As such, Sweden’s sailors would shred the tobacco leaves by hand to create their own snus.  And that is how the artisan blend, Göteborgs Rapé, came about.


The State Takes Over

As a means to fund military efforts during the first world war, the Swedish government decided to nationalize all Swedish tobacco manufacturing and sales by creating AB Svenska Tobaksmonopolet, a monopoly that would take over 103 snus brands before being dissolved in 1967.

Göteborgs Rapé Makes the Cut

Göteborgs Rapé was chosen by a committee at Swedish Tobacco Monopoly (AB Svenska Tobaksmonopolet) as one out of twenty five of those brands to make the cut.

The Creation of Swedish Match

As Swedish Match describes, “Tobacco operations within Swedish Match commenced in AB Svenska Tobaksmonopolet, in the form of a monopoly that was founded in 1915.

The origin of the Group’s match operations can be traced back to Svenska Tändsticks AB, which was founded in 1917.

The companies’ history merged in 1992, when tobacco products and lights operations were included in the Procordia Group.

In 1994, they were joined into one group under the company name Swedish Match.”

Today, Swedish Match manufactures snus, cigars and lights, namely lighters and matches, with snus representing over 65% of the company’s total market share.


The Göteborgs Rapé Product Line

The Göteborgs Rapé original recipe is the signature flavor profile behind all the Göteborgs Rapé product line and is also the inspiration behind the flavor profile of other brand names at Swedish Match.  The following is a comprehensive list of all the snus in the Göteborgs Rapé product line.

Göteborgs Rapé Inspired Snus

Göteborgs Rapé has inspired the quality and the flavor behind many newer snus brands at Swedish Match.

XR – Swedish Match’s affordable quality snus based on the best of Swedish Matches brands and flavors in a slim format.


ONE – All ONE varieties bring you up close with your snus thanks to a revolutionary pouch material that does little more than just hold a loose snus together.


More About Swedish Match

Swedish Match’s Production Standards

Seeing as Swedish Match manufactures its snus in Sweden, it must thereby adhere to the Swedish Food Act.

As a result, the company must follow strict hygiene practices and must use only ingredients that can be used in food and are approved by this regulatory government body.

GOTHIATEK®, the technology used and developed by Swedish Match in its snus production facilities is quite impressive and maintains a high quality standard for all its snus brands.

The Company Vision

Today, Swedish Match holds the smokefree market portfolio as its largest market portfolio, the accounting for 65% or more of its sales and greatly contributing to its vision of  “A world without cigarettes”

Swedish Match continues to be an industry leader and has developed 27 other snus brands in its facilities with the same quality craftsmanship it has been known for since the turn of the century.

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