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Key Effects on Physical Performance

If you’re into the football industry, chances are that you’ve already heard something about snus. The truth is that more and more football players tend to use this product these days. Snus is oral tobacco that is put beneath the lip to activate the neurological system.

A few years ago, there was controversy about the effects of this oral tobacco. But guess what? Nowadays, it would be challenging to locate a football team without at least one player who carries a tiny round plastic snus pot with them at all times. It seems like footballers have finally found a safer alternative to smoking nicotine!

Wondering why snus is so popular? What makes it a highly demanded product? Or maybe you even want to give it a try and see how it can affect your physical performance. Especially if you practice sport at a high level.

In this small guide, the Snusline team will answer all your questions about this healthy smoking alternative for football players, even if we talk about it shortly in our Home Page.

We hope to provide answers to the following questions :

  • what does snus do for footballers?
  • what is snus used for in football?
  • what is the best snus for footballers?
  • does snus help football?

What is “snus” and how does it work?

In simple terms, snus is a tobacco-based oral product with Swedish roots. Snus contains a nicotine and is positioned in the mouth, typically under the top lip, where it is kept for a long time. Considering this, it’s not surprising that it has the same effect as a cigarette. However, it’s much safer than smoking and helps you give up this terrible habit.

Based on common sense, athletes are not permitted to use it since it will harm their performance and health. That’s why they’re always looking for healthier alternatives to cigarettes. But it turns out that it’s not entirely true after all.

Modern medicine has discovered an alternative method to consuming nicotine, besides smoking or vaping. This alternative is snus, which users insert beneath the lip where it rests along the gum line.

Unfortunately, this product hasn’t yet gotten the recognition it deserves. As a result, selling snus is still prohibited in the majority of the EU. However, over the past several years, snus has seen a sharp increase in popularity in the UK, particularly among footballers. Most concerningly, it frequently occurs among young players of the football game.

Therefore, people outside of Scandinavia easily purchase their goods from internet stores like Snusline and take advantage of their positive effects on physical performance and overall health.

Why do footballers use snus?

More and more footballers are consuming snus which makes us wonder why do footballers use snus?

In reality, many elite athletes have been using snus pouches for several years as a way to unwind. These pouches deliver nicotine stimulation without the need to breathe in smoke or other hazardous toxins. Sounds impressive, right?

Well, it’s a well-known fact that smoking harms athletic performance. Athletes require oxygen-rich blood to be efficiently delivered to their heart, lungs, and muscles. This requirement makes smoking detrimental to their performance.

Tobacco possesses highly addictive qualities. These qualities make it hard for many people, including elite athletes, to quit.

Despite being fully aware of its harmful effects, many athletes continue to smoke. They do so even though it negatively impacts their health.

Furthermore, smoking also hinders their ability to perform at their optimum level.

That’s why, many football players have already decided to switch to snus and replace regular cigarettes by smokeless products like nicotine gum or snus, which have multiple advantages. This means that they can still get pleasure without adverse effects on performance levels.

We understand better why do footballers do snus.

Effects of snus on physical performance

The scientific literature on snus isn’t very extensive at the moment. However, we do know that it can have several positive impacts on athletes’ physical performance. There was a study conducted in 2014 that specifically investigated the effects of snus. This study aimed to understand how snus influences amateur football players. The players chosen for the study were non-smokers. They also didn’t use snus prior to the study. These participants had varying heart rates before undergoing a physical test.

Results pointed out that snus can have a significant positive impact on the overall physical performance of athletes. Let’s dive deeper into these benefits.

Snus and Football : Increased alertness

Snus has been shown to have calming effects on physical and mental activity. Besides, it tends to improve focus and possibly even improve athletic performance. Moreover, using snus increased alertness and concentration among young sportsmen.

Snus and Football : Improved coordination

Aerobic, anaerobic, and strength traits are crucial for a player to succeed, given the high-intensity, intermittent nature of football. Making sure you’re on top of all three will therefore help you perform better on the field. Surprisingly, snus can also help you improve coordination skills. which, in turn, can result in better athletic performance.

Snus and Football : Enhanced cognitive performance

Consuming snus has been demonstrated to enhance cognitive performance, which is especially beneficial for footballers who need fast thinking and decision-making skills. Needless to say, football and other dynamic sports games require attention to detail and the ability to make crucial decisions as quickly as possible.

This means you can hardly succeed without well-developed decision-making skills, which are essential given how much faster the game is moving. The findings indicated that, as compared to placebo, snus had much better performance in improving the skills of sportsmen.

Who are the players who take advantage of snus?

Now let’s take a look at famous football players who regularly use snus and stand out with their performances.

Two Premier League players are known to use snus. Some of them include – Newcastle defender Jamaal Lascelles and Arsenal striker Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang. Another famous case is Victor Lindelof, a defender for Manchester United, who shared a photo of the substance on his Instagram page in 2016.

England striker Jamie Vardy said: “When I signed with Leicester, one of the guys introduced me to snus, and I discovered that it helped me relax.” Who will know better than those who have experienced it themselves?

Will snus cause addiction?

Everything depends on the amount, but because nicotine is so strongly addictive, some gamers take it to an unhealthy level. Every chemical can be hazardous if it overdoses. Snus contains nicotine and can be addictive if used uncontrollably.

However, it’s still the best alternative for sportsmen since it is safer than cigarettes and will help you quit smoking if you use it normally. And if you use this product with caution, chances are that your playing skills and ability to concentrate will improve over time.

Types of snus that footballers prefer

Generally, snus comes in a variety of forms and doses. The most well-known and practical form of snus is oral, as in chew bags and pouches. Traditional Swedish snus, available since the 16th century, comes as a loose powder. Users must manually shape this powder into a “prilla” before applying it under the lip. Therefore, athletes who want to have a real Swedish snus experience tend to take any of the mouthwatering traditional loose snus products available in our shop. Most of the football players use the famous Siberia Red because of  the hugh level of nicotine.

We have also some of them that use General Snus or Göteborgs Rapé  High quality Brand from Swedish Match.

Modern Swedish snus also comes in portion pouches that are ready to use and can easily pop under your top lip. Depending on the product and the brand, portions can be original, white, or white dry and available in regular, slim, and tiny sizes.

Snus and Football : Consume snus and stay on top!

It seems like you’re already aware of the numerous advantages taking snus can bring to your physical health. So, you might be looking for a trustworthy company to get your snus and stay on top.

If that’s the case, you should know that Snusline is always up to date with any changes or new laws and regulations worldwide regarding tobacco products as well as nicotine pouches. Whether you are new to snus or an experienced user, you will find the perfect fit among Snusline’s wide range of snus products.

So, don’t hesitate to contact us directly because we’re more than willing to help you out with any issue. Our excellent customer service goes even further by offering special prices and VIP service to our large order customers!

The Impact of Snus on Physical Performance

A prevalent inquiry surrounding snus pertains to its influence on a person’s physical performance in sports. It is essential to examine the relationship between snus and athletic performance to fully understand its role in this context.

Snus, a smokeless tobacco product primarily used in Scandinavia, has no definitive effect on sports results. Its impact cannot be classified as either positive or negative. However, snus has a main component: nicotine. Nicotine has been shown to affect athletes’ mental state. It can also impact their focus.

Nicotine, a stimulant found in snus, is known for enhancing concentration and alleviating anxiety. When athletes use snus, they may experience a mental uplift. This helps them focus on the task at hand. As a result, they can perform at their best. They can overcome challenges effectively. Ultimately, they enjoy a sense of accomplishment and pleasure in their chosen sports.

The mental benefits of nicotine in snus should not be mistaken for a direct enhancement of physical performance. Instead, improved concentration and reduced anxiety contribute to an athlete’s overall mindset. This enables them to approach their sport with more confidence, determination, and motivation. Mental factors play a crucial role in an athlete’s success. The connection between snus use and athletic performance is complex and nuanced.

While snus may not provide a direct boost to an athlete’s physical abilities, its impact on mental focus and anxiety reduction can still be significant. In high-pressure situations or during intense competition, an athlete’s mental state can make all the difference. The use of snus, in this context, may provide the necessary edge to excel, ultimately contributing to a heightened sense of victory and satisfaction in sports.

Snus and Sports Competitions

Snus use does not contribute to an increase in strength, stamina, or speed, it can still play a significant role in athletes’ mental well-being and ability to concentrate on their objectives, such as winning.

In the competitive world of sports, an athlete’s mental state is just as crucial as their physical abilities. Snus, containing nicotine, has been shown to help athletes relax and improve their focus, which can be particularly beneficial in high-pressure situations. This mental edge can be the determining factor between victory and defeat, making snus a valuable tool for athletes seeking to achieve their goals.

Given these mental benefits, there is no need to ban nicotine from sports competitions. While some might argue that nicotine provides an unfair advantage, its effects are primarily psychological, and its use does not result in the same level of physical enhancement associated with doping or performance-enhancing drugs. Thus, snus use remains an acceptable and legal practice in the world of sports.

However, it is essential to note that snus should not be used during a game, as its use presents a choking hazard. The small pouches, placed under the upper lip, could accidentally be swallowed or obstruct the airway during intense physical activity. To mitigate this risk, athletes are advised to use snus before or after their games to ensure their safety while still benefiting from the mental advantages it provides.

Nicotine and the Olympics

If you’ve ever wondered whether nicotine (including nicotine pouches, tobacco-free snus portions) is banned at the Olympic Games, you might be surprised to learn that it is not prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). In fact, a significant number of Olympic athletes use nicotine products.

Snus Use Among Soccer Players

Snus has gained popularity among soccer players in the Premier League. This trend can be attributed to the increasing number of Scandinavian soccer players joining the league, bringing with them their cultural practices and habits, including snus use. As these athletes integrate into their respective teams, their teammates and peers become exposed to snus, leading to its adoption by an even broader range of players.

The use of snus among soccer players has become a topic of interest. Many fans and sports enthusiasts are curious about the reasons behind its popularity. They also wonder about potential advantages it may offer. As mentioned earlier, snus can provide mental benefits. These include improved focus and relaxation. Such benefits can be valuable in the high-pressure world of professional soccer. Intense competition and fans’ expectations add pressure. Snus may help players maintain a calm and focused demeanor. This allows them to perform at their best on the field.

For those interested in learning more about snus use among soccer players, our article on the impact of snus on football players offers valuable insights. This piece provides a comprehensive list of soccer players known to use snus and delves into their reasons for doing so. The article also explores the cultural aspects of snus use, shedding light on its history and significance in Scandinavian culture.

Additionally, the article examines the ongoing debate surrounding snus use in professional sports. It includes potential benefits and drawbacks of consumption. The article discusses various perspectives on snus use. Perspectives come from sports clubs, governing bodies, medical professionals, and fans. The article provides a balanced and informative overview of this intriguing topic.

Snus and Its Popularity in Various Sports

Snus is widespread across various sports such as soccer, tennis, rugby, baseball, swimming, basketball, hockey, and more. Initially popular among Scandinavian athletes, its use has since spread to others. While sports clubs may initially express skepticism regarding snus consumption, they soon understand that it poses no harm and does not lead to doping issues.

Athletes, Sports Clubs, and Snus

Athletes often relax after a game with a snus portion under their upper lip, enjoying the nicotine rush. Sports clubs are content that their athletes are not getting drunk or using drugs, allowing them to compete at a high level in the next match.

Snus and Scandinavian Culture

Snus has been a part of Scandinavian culture for centuries, first as a loose powder and later as portions. It is an integral aspect of many Scandinavian adults’ lives, whether they are athletes or businesspeople. Snus is deeply ingrained in Scandinavian heritage and culture.


In conclusion, many athletes use snus, and their clubs permit its use because they recognize it as a better alternative to smoking or drinking. The long history of snus use in Scandinavia suggests its efficacy, and many successful Scandinavian athletes are affiliated with snus. Even WADA has not banned snus for use at the Olympic Games, so athletes can use it before or after competition without any concerns.

Nicotine pouches are a relatively new player in the smokeless tobacco world.  The beginnings of smokeless tobacco differs depending on the continent and culture.  For Swedes, smokeless tobacco took the form of Snus, cured and dried tobacco leaves to which flavourings such as salt, floral elements and salts were added. The mixture was then ground to create a thick mud like mixture.  In its infancy, snus only existed in loose form; ready-to-use portions are a thing of the modern area that developed with industrialization and machine processes.  Loose snus was therefore formed by hand into a “prilla” and placed between the upper lip and gums to release its flavours and tobacco.

Much has changed since those times although, for those who prefer the traditional taste of snus and the traditional loose format, there are many products on the market that are readily available such as Odens Original Loose Snus, General Classic Loose Snus, Ettan Loose Strong Swedish Snus, Kronan Original Loose Snus, Granit Original Loose Snus and more …

Snus in Modern Times

The industrial revolution brought with it the possibility to create ready-to-use snus portions. Original portions were and still are filled with snus that would normally be found in loose form.  So “why the portion?” you ask.  Well, for starters, modern times also brought with them the possibility to look and feel cleaner and polished.  

Back in the 17th century, when snus was invented,  bathing was done in public bathhouses and water was not readily available as it is today in personal homes through faucets. Perfume was also invented to cover up unsightly body odour since bathing was so rare. You can imagine that oral hygiene was also inexistant and therefore, loose snus was not seen as something unsightly and disgusting.  

Today, however, someone walking around with loose snus under their upper lip might look like a 17th century sailor, especially that snus is moist and can drip between teeth. 

Benefits of the Snus Portion

Discretion:  Snus portions give modern snus users the opportunity for discretion since the snus is nicely packed into a soft comfortable material-like paper pouch that holds the snus in its place.  With smoking being banned in practically all public places, smokeless tobacco has become increasingly popular partially due to its discretion, amongst other reasons that we describe and develop in other articles.   Since snus portions are a smokeless form of tobacco consumption, they can be used anywhere from class to work, on aeroplanes and even in restaurants, without anyone being any the wiser.

Convenience: Discarding a portion when you’re done with it is also a cleaner and more effective manner to get rid of all the snus in your mouth without any leftover particles. In addition, ready-made portions that are already weighed out and available to pop under the lip offer ease and practicality, not to mention keeping your fingers and nails clean.  

Loose vs Portion

If you had to compare between a portion snus and a loose snus that has identical strength and flavour, you would probably describe the portion snus flavour as more subdued and less bold. Both the flavour and nicotine would probably also not come through as fast as they would with loose snus. 

Still, some people may prefer loose snus to portion snus since it just feels more authentic and there is definitely a psychological component to using loose snus.  Loose snus also feels more up close and personal and for tobacco lovers, that’s often a must.   The taste is much bolder and deeper as compared to portion snus, since the tobacco is literally felt. 

In recent years, Swedish Match introduced a revolutionary product called ONE inspired by General Snus, a portion snus sporting a visibly thinner portion material that gets you as close to the tobacco as ever before. The result is a powerful taste experience snus users can only get until then with loose snus. The One line from Swedish Match essentially gives you more of everything: more tobacco, more taste, more nicotine.  

Nicotine Pouches: Why?

Now that you’ve got a pretty good idea about some of the similarities and differences between snus portions and loose snus, you’re ready to take it up a notch and discover the world of nicotine pouches.

Remember the benefits of the snus portion over loose snus?  Well, the same applies to nicotine pouches.  They are also conveniently packed into soft and comfortable material-like pouches that hold the contents in its place, and are weighed out and available to pop under the lip thereby offering ease and practicality.  In addition, they are also a form of smokeless nicotine consumption, although they are 100% tobacco free and can also be consumed anywhere and anytime with 100% discretion.  

Nicotine pouches do however offer added advantages to traditional snus portions.  For one, they won’t stain your teeth!  Seeing as they are completely free of any tobacco and contain only all white ingredients, including pharmaceutical grade nicotine salt, like ZYN nicotine pouches or plant derived nicotine that is taken directly from the tobacco plant.

A Wide Variety of Delicious Flavours 

Tobacco lovers may disagree but on top of staining teeth, tobacco contributes to bad breath and can leave a bad taste in your mouth.  Nicotine pouches, on the other hand, are delicious and come in a ton of juicy fruity flavours, minty fresh flavours, ice cream flavours and so much more…  

An Extra Measure of Discretion

Nicotine pouches, also referred to as nicopods, offer an extra measure of discretion since they are practically all slim portions and fit quite comfortably under the lip without creating a bulge.  

Wider Strength Variety

Nicotine pouches can also harbour quite large concentrations of nicotine without it affecting portion size since the ingredients they are stuffed with don’t take up as much volume as tobacco would.  

Although you may think some nicotine pouches contain sugar because they really taste sweet enough to be candy, they are actually completely sugar free and are sweetened with artificial sweeteners. 


Since they contain no tobacco, a perishable plant product, nicotine pouches have a longer shelf life and will stay fresh longer than tobacco snus.  

They also won’t drip and grant you a longer lasting experience since their ingredients hold a lot less moisture and are packed into white portions that contribute to a gradual and effective release of flavours and nicotine. 

Finally, similarly to snus portions, nicotine pouches are ready-to-use and can easily be popped under the lip and discarded in an easy and clean manner.

Now you know why many snus users are switching to nicotine pouches. At Snusline we love reviews and comments so feel free to leave yours.

What is Snus?

The market for oral tobacco is rapidly growing and it’s important to understand what is snus, its origins and why it’s gaining popularity.

Snus originated in 16th century Sweden.  It is a smokeless tobacco product and had only been available before then to European aristocrats.  Kings, queens and people of higher society were already enjoying the Swedish snuff when no one had even heard of it!

The rise in popularity of snus and its accessibility to the working class came later on, in the 19th century.  It also became accessible to the market at large at that point in time.  Original Swedish snus is as a loose grind of tobacco leaves dried and cured through a fermentation process. The next step in the snus production process requires adding flavor to the fermented tobacco leaves. Original smokeless tobacco flavorings such as salt, pepper, bergamot and floral elements are still part of the manufacturing process today.  Modern snus has, however, undergone many changes.  Some of these changes include the introduction of new flavors and the development of the modern snus portion.

Today’s Snus

Lots has changed since the first days of moist snuff in the ports of Sweden.  Different portion formats and innovative materials are still making their way into the snus market today.  However, before the emergence of modern manufacturing processes, moist snuff was only available in a single format: loose.  “Lös”, in Swedish, means loose and that word can be found on many a snus can.

In any case, the original users of oral tobacco would form the loose by hand (handbake) into a “prilla”. A “prilla” is a snus portion in Swedish and was the only way to consume oral tobacco before industrial processes came into existence.

In the 1970s ready-made portions made their way onto the oral tobacco market expanding the scope of users. Oral tobacco in portion is packed into material-like bags which can simply be placed under the upper lip, exactly like loose snus.  Portion snus quickly became the cleaner, more aesthetic manner and more popular way of using snus. Loose snus, however, is still available these days for people who want to control the amount of tobacco they use in a single dose and who prefer using snus in its original, traditional loose format.

Today’s smokeless tobacco is massively manufactured. Hundreds of snus products are readily available in a variety of formats, flavors and strengths.

As a result, Swedish manufacturers, such as Swedish Match, have implemented environmentally safe processes without compromising their high standards of quality.

Uncompromising Quality

Manufacturing processes have undoubtedly changed the way we consume snus. However, the essence of the product has remained the same: a high-quality smokeless form of tobacco blended from the finest tobacco leaves spread across the four corners of the world. The result is a tobacco product of uncompromising quality that provides an experience of wonderful aromas and rich tastes.

Health Concerns

In today’s world, health risks, such as respiratory diseases associated with cigarettes, have transformed snus into a smokeless alternative to smoking.  Those who want to quit smoking can still enjoy the taste of tobacco with snus.  They can also get their nicotine fix without the harmful effects of smoking on their health. A research from Harm Reduction Journal discovered that snus presents a much lower risk in regards to causing respiratory diseases compared to other tobacco-based products such as cigarettes, cigars and pipes, among other means of smoking. Sweden, one of the first countries to make the switch from smoking to the Swedish snuff, is considered as the European country with the least tobacco-related mortality rate.  It can surely serve as an example to the rest of the world.

A Star is Born

Snus is a rising star in the tobacco industry. Its popularity is surging worldwide like never before.

Swedish Tobacco is an international distributor of oral tobacco. Our founder is an avid snus user with a passion for moist snuff. We offer a wide variety of snus products online. These products are courtesy of the best brands on the market. They are available on our platform, Snusline.

You might be looking for an alternative to smoking or vaping. You might already enjoy snus as a tobacco product. Or you might simply be curious about oral tobacco. Whatever your needs, you’ll find many different varieties on These varieties will surely meet your expectations.

Come pay us a visit and see what all the rave is about!

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