Pablo Exclusive 50mg Bubblegum Nicopods


Discover the intense flavor of Pablo Exclusive 50mg Bubblegum nicotine pouches, a powerful tobacco-free alternative designed for experienced users seeking a unique and satisfying nicotine experience with a sweet twist. ONLY FOR EXPERIENCED NICOTINE USERS/HEAVY SMOKERS.

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20 Pouches
50 mg/g Nicotine
0.6 g Weight/Pouch
4.49 € per can


Pablo Exclusive 50 mg Bubblegum Details

Brand : Pablo
Nicotine content : 50 mg/g
Type : Nicotine Pouches
Portion : Slim
Flavor : Bubblegum
Strength : Extremely Strong


Pablo Exclusive 50mg Bubblegum Description

Experience the delightful flavor of Pablo Exclusive Bubblegum, a unique addition to the Pablo nicotine pouches lineup. With a nostalgic pink bubblegum taste, this tobacco-free alternative appeals to experienced nicotine users seeking a sweet alternative to minty pouches. As part of the Pablo Exclusive range, it boasts a potent 50mg/g nicotine content, making it one of the strongest pouches on the market.

Pablo’s Reputation for Strength

Pablo has built a reputation as a brand catering to heavy smokers or nicotine users who crave high doses of nicotine. The original Pablo pouches, known for their strong mint flavors and “dangerously strong” nicotine content, were introduced with 30mg/g of nicotine. Pablo Exclusive takes it up a notch with an extreme 50mg/g strength, recommended only for seasoned users.

Quality Ingredients and Discreet Design

Crafted with 100% natural plant resins, Pablo nicopods use all-white ingredients, ensuring no staining of teeth while providing a powerful, flavorful nicotine experience. The smaller size of Pablo Exclusive pouches makes them even more discreet under the lip compared to the original pouches. There’s no need to chew or bite; simply place the pouch under your lip and enjoy the smooth release of flavor and nicotine.

The Pablo Exclusive Range

Pablo Exclusive Bubblegum is part of an extensive range of flavors and strengths to suit various preferences. In addition to the bubblegum variant, other popular options include Pablo Ice Cold, Pablo Ice Cold XXL, Pablo X Ice Cold, and Pablo Red. Each flavor caters to different tastes, with unique combinations of sensations, such as icy coolness or a burning-to-freeze effect.

Using Pablo Exclusive 50mg Bubblegum

Using Pablo nicotine pouches is incredibly simple. Place the sachet between your gums and upper lip, and the active substance will spread automatically. There’s no need to bite or suck on the pouch. is known for stocking the latest Pablo varieties, ensuring you have access to the newest options as they hit the market.

With a wide range of flavors and the exceptional strength of 50mg/g nicotine content, Pablo Exclusive Bubblegum nicotine pouches cater to experienced users who enjoy a potent and flavorful experience. Remember, though, that these pouches are not recommended for beginners due to their high nicotine content.

Advantages of Pablo Nicotine Pouches

Pablo nicotine pouches offer a discreet, tobacco-free alternative for those seeking a cleaner nicotine experience. Their compact design allows users to enjoy the pouches without drawing attention, making them an attractive option for those who want a subtle way to consume nicotine. Additionally, their wide range of flavors and strengths ensures there’s a perfect option for every taste preference.

Popularity and Growth of Nicotine Pouches in the UK and USA

The rising demand for nicotine pouches in the UK and USA has led to the increased availability of various brands, including Pablo. As more people seek tobacco-free alternatives, the popularity of nicotine pouches is expected to continue growing. Manufacturers, including Pablo, are focusing on developing innovative products with diverse flavors and strengths to cater to this growing market.

Choosing the Right Pablo Product for You

When selecting a Pablo nicotine pouch, it’s essential to consider your experience level and personal preferences. Beginners should avoid starting with the potent 50mg/g options, as they can be overwhelming. Instead, choose a lower strength product to gradually acclimate to the nicotine experience. For experienced users, Pablo Exclusive offers a range of flavors and strengths to satisfy any craving.

Purchasing Pablo Nicotine Pouches Online

Buying Pablo Exclusive Bubblegum nicotine pouches online is simple and convenient. Browse through various online retailers, such as, that offer a wide range of Pablo products. Enjoy the ease of having your favorite nicotine pouches delivered straight to your door, ensuring you’re never without your preferred option.


water, nicotine, flavouring, Е501 PH-adjustment, Е460 cellulose, E1520 humectant, preservative